Circuit Judge John Madonia sentenced Keshon L. McClinton, 23, of Springfield to 45 years in prison last week following his April 28th conviction for the shooting murder of Javonne Harris, 22, on March 9, 2018, in the FasMart convenience store in the 400 block of South Grand Avenue East.
McClinton faced potential penalties of 45 years to natural life in prison for the offense of first degree murder. During the sentencing hearing, Assistant State’s Attorney Kaylan Beard recommended a sentence of 50 years and counsel for McClinton, Mark Wykoff, recommended the minimum sentence of 45 years. The People of the State of Illinois were represented at trial by First Assistant State’s Attorney Derek Dion and Assistant State’s Attorney Kaylan Beard.

Following the sentencing, Sangamon County State's Attorney Dan Wright said, "There are never sufficient words to express the tragedy of a life lost to senseless gun violence. The Court’s sentence of 45 years in prison ensures that the Defendant will be removed from our community for a lengthy period of time, despite his eligibility for parole pursuant to state statute after 20 years given his age at the time of the murder."
Wright’s office is also asking the Court for a finding of criminal contempt against a witness who refused to appear for testimony at trial. Donatello Harper, of Springfield, was subpoenaed by Wright’s office for testimony in the McClinton trial, but refused to appear. A status hearing on the contempt request was set this afternoon, but Harper again failed to appear. Judge Madonia issued a bench warrant for Harper in the amount of $5,000.00 (10% to apply).
Wright said of the contempt request,“A subpoena is not an invitation, but an absolute mandate from the Court to appear at trial. We will continue to seek contempt in future situations to hold those who would impede the truth-seeking process accountable, particularly in a first-degree murder case.”