Entering one of its busiest construction seasons ever, the Illinois Department of Transportation recently announced that major projects in the Springfield area are planned or underway, fueled by the bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital program. Six major projects combined represent a total investment of nearly $103 million, improving safety and mobility while sustaining and creating good-paying jobs throughout the region.
Illinois Transportation Secretary Omer Osman said, "If you are traveling anywhere in Illinois this construction season, you will be traveling through work zones. Put down the devices. Follow the signs. And when you see orange, slow down and save lives.”
In the Springfield area, the following projects are anticipated to be completed within the next two years:
10th Street railroad tracks at Madison and Jefferson streets underpasses and double tracking began last year, with a scheduled completion date this summer. Madison and Jefferson streets will remain closed for the duration of the project. A detour is posted directing traffic to Carpenter Street.
East Lake Shore Drive over the Illinois Central Railroad and Lake Springfield slough about a half mile east of I-55 includes new bridge deck overlays. The project began this spring and is anticipated to be completed in the fall. Lane closures will be required, with at least one lane of traffic in each direction open at all times.
The Rail Splitter rest areas on both directions of I-55 will be replaced. The demolition of the current buildings begins this summer. The new buildings are expected to be completed in 2026. Rest areas will be open for parking until the demolition begins, when the rest areas will be closed until the new buildings are completed.
I-55 Business/6th Street from north of Stanford Avenue to Myrtle Street includes resurfacing and patching. The project begins in June and is anticipated to be completed in November. Lane closures will be required, with at least one lane of traffic in each direction open at all times.
I-55 over the Sangamon River 2.2 miles south of the Sherman interchange includes bridge deck overlay and patching with shoulder reconstruction both southbound and northbound bridges. The project begins in the summer and is anticipated to be completed in the fall. Lane closures will be required, with at least one lane of traffic in each direction open at all times. The project is a precursor for the widening of the bridges, part of proposed widening of I-55 through Springfield. The widening of the bridges is scheduled to begin in 2025.
11th Street Over I-55/72 includes bridge deck repairs. The project is anticipated to begin in June and completed in September. Lane closures will be required, with at least one lane of traffic in each direction open at all times.